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Version: v4

Hover, Focus and Other States

Please refer to the documentation on the Tailwind CSS website for more information.



If a <View /> has a class which requires an event listener, it will be automatically upgraded to <Pressable />.

Hover, focus, and active

NativeWind implements a subset of the Tailwind pseudo-classes by adding event listeners on your components, hence they will only work on components that can accept the listener.

The supported pseudo-classes and their related listeners are:

VariantEvent Listeners
hoveronHoverIn, onHoverOut
focusonBlur, onFocus
activeonPressIn, onPressOut,

Opt in Pointer Events

React Native 0.71 supports opt-in Pointer Events. If enabled NativeWind will use these instead, allowing for hover support on native when used with a pointer device.

VariantEvent Listeners
hoveronPointerOver, onPointerOut
focusonBlur, onFocus
activeonPressIn, onPressOut,

Styling based on parent state

Styling based on parent state (group-{modifier})

NativeWind supports the group class name and it can be used with any supported modifier.

Differentiating nested groups

NativeWind supports the group/{name} class name and it can be used with any supported modifier

Media and feature queries

Responsive breakpoints

To style an element at a specific breakpoint, use responsive modifiers like md and lg.

Check out the Responsive Design documentation for an in-depth look at how these features work.

Prefers color scheme

Please read the Dark Mode documentation for an in-depth look at how this feature works.

dark:✅ Full Support

Prefers reduced motion

motion-reduce:✅ Full Support

Viewport orientation

Use the portrait and landscape modifiers to conditionally add styles when the viewport is in a specific orientation.

portrait:✅ Full Support
landscape:✅ Full Support

Use the print modifier to conditionally add styles that only apply when the document is being printed:

print:🌐 Web only

Supports rules

Use the supports-[...] modifier to style things based on whether a certain feature is supported in the user’s browser.

supports-[n]:🌐 Web only

Attribute selectors

Use the aria-* modifier to conditionally style things based on ARIA attributes.

aria-[n]:🌐 Web only

Data selectors

Use the data-* modifier to conditionally style things based on data attributes.

data-[n]:🌐 Web only

RTL support

Use the rtl and ltr modifiers to conditionally add styles in right-to-left and left-to-right modes respectively when building multi-directional layouts:

rtl:✅ Full Support

Open/closed state

Use the open modifier to conditionally add styles when a <details/> or <dialog/> element is in an open state:

open:🌐 Web only

Custom modifiers

Custom modifiers are possible, but are not yet documented. More information to come.


We are looking for contributors for the following:

Responsive breakpoints

What are good responsive breakpoints for mobile devices?

Add placeholder:

placeholder:text-color should support mapping to placeholderTextColor

Add selection:

NativeWind could export a custom <em> component. selection: will style this component.

Add first-line:

first-line: should map to <Text numberOfLines={1} style={styles}>{letter}</Text>

Add first-letter:

first-letter: should map to <Text style={styles}>{letter}</Text>

Explore backdrop:

Could this be used with <Modal />?

Explore aria-[n]:

Could this be used with the accessibility props?

Explore data-[n]:

Could this be used with the data props? Should we auto strip these props on native?